Monday, March 20, 2006


Hayley is my youngest and is just five right now. She is so very different than Amy and definitely has her own sense of being. If I want pictures of the girls, I can almost bet that Hayley will not cooperate or give me her "fake" smile while trying to see if she can watch tv or whatever else fascinates her. Amy instead has caught on - give Mom the picture you want and she will leave you alone! :) But I guess that is what being a mom is all about - being able to adapt to the differences and uniqueness in each kid.

While I was searching for photos tonight to do a layout - I heard some clunking in my living room. When I turned around, there was Hayley all decked out in a shirt that was too small, cowboy hat, and her sister's cowboy boots. She was dancing around as if this was normal attire for most sane people and without a care in the world. Of course, I couldn't pass that up and snapped some pictures and managed to get a good one out of the batch. Here is the layout I did with Stacey Jewell Stahl's new "Beyond Beauty" kits. Just got to love my kid!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is so cute! That picture brought a huge smile to my face...she looks like she is full of personality! LOL