Monday, February 27, 2006

I am still alive but barely......

REAL LIFE STUFF: is becoming quite busy. We are busy getting rid of all the Girl Scout cookies in our home and then I have a campout this weekend. I went from not having a lot to do with Girl Scouts to having something almost every weekend until May!! But I will give it to Amy - she said I could bring my laptop with me on our campouts! We are sleeping in tents, eating off of coals with no running water for baths and I bring a laptop! That is roughing it. Anyways....forgetting to do my blog but will try to keep up with it. But just trying to get a bit more organized right now....seems like I am always on the run.

SCRAPBOOKING STUFF: I am so excited to finally get some layouts done and got this one done using the new "Chic Chick" kit that TDC designers will be selling at A Cherry On The Top kit. It has a lot of stuff and I KNOW I will be using this kit over and over. Those girls are just creating great stuff....really excited to be a part of the Creative Team!

1 comment:

Sinead said...

The chic chick layout is gorgeous! Great job!