Thursday, June 15, 2006

Man I stink at this.....

Since I took over updating the blog at The Digichick - I just have no energy to come back here and update another blog. Too bad I just can't put my personal junk on there and then copy and paste it back here and be done with a post! :) hehe

Amy is out of school now and is attending summer camp at Tutor Time - the same school that Hayley goes to. Now I thought this was a great thing - the girls being together enjoying their summer and all. But it has been only 4 days of this and every night I come home with a litany of all the things the two girls fought about, cried about and argued about! I am just cringing at what the teachers must be thinking because if things are going as the girls are describing - it has to be utter chaos with them there! I used to get nice reports home on how well Hayley was doing - now I just get reports about how many times Hayley cried because of something Amy did or said. I am at my wit's end - knowing this is going to be a VERY long summer ahead and am finding it difficult to work. I keep thinking maybe I should call the school and check in on the girls but then I think "No what if they tell me I need to find a new school for these girls!."

David and I had a LONG talk with the girls last night and threatened to separate them into two different classes - we do have that power since technically Hayley was to be with the younger kids. But since this year she can go on the off site field trips, I wanted someone to watch over her. I asked the school to put the girls together so Amy could watch over her they are hating me right now! Well, at least they get quite a bit of my money to put up with this - I have to for free every night!

I am not sure if the girls are at an age that they just like to disagree or if they are tired or what. And as always, by the end of the day/night - they are the best of friends. I know you are saying it can't be that bad - but it is I am telling! Look it got me to post finally!! Amy is 10 and tends to have a mouth that is not very kind. She doesn't use bad words or anything but she does have a look and tone that will chill anybody's blood! Hayley is 5 and just cries - and not a soft whimper like cry but a shrill run your nails down a chalkboard kind that just seems to go for HOURS! And when you think it is over - she cries some more. It just seems to be getting worse and none of the things we take away or do seem to bother the girls. I keep hoping for a miracle soon - anything to stop this madness. But I have to laugh - I was talking to Amy on the phone while driving to work this morning and told her I was sorry she was having such a awful time at summer camp with her sister. She was quiet and then said "Mom - I am having a blast there....what are you talking about???" Go figure - they are having "fun" and I am stressing.....ah the life of a parent!

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