Friday, July 28, 2006

Post No. 3 Because Blogger REALLY Hates Me!!

You know I never post on this dang thing and finally do and nothing but having to post a third one....grrrr.

And the fourth I just loved because it was our only Easter picture of the girls that day since Amy was very sick....although you wouldn't know it from the picture....and there is something funky on this layout I need to get rid of before I send it to the magazine....see that little square....there can't be "lint" on a digital layout....hehe:

- "Blush" kit by Suzy Nunes- doodle brush by Meryl Bartho
- grunge edges from "Little Black Dress" by Jan Crowley

Whew!! :)


Beth {kewl_jive} said...

Hi Darla! It's great to see you bloggin' again. Beth :)

Deanna said...

glad to see your back...its been lonely here without you! Superb LO btw!

Anonymous said...

congrats on all the pubs darla!! you rock!!!