Saturday, October 07, 2006

Ugh I've been tagged!!!

I have to laugh.....I have soooo been meaning to update my blog but life has just been crazy. Work is just nuts and I am always running around and then I come home and well, I am always running around!!! But I think I would be incredibly bored if I didn't have anything to do....ok I could live without laundry chores! That I hate!

There is a a new kit - "Common Bond"- that the The Digichick and Sweet Shoppe designers created where the proceeds will be donated to charities to help with breast cancer awareness and research. It is a gorgeous kit in itself but I really love the whole idea about where the monies will go. If you haven't seen it - go check it out here to see how awesome it is. Here is a layout I did with it - I really love the simplicity of it:

So Rachael G. thought it would be a fun idea to challenge the Sweet Shoppe girls to a layout contest - you know who can create the most layouts with the kit in the month of October! Now the glitch is - I am on both teams and both of them I love.....sooooo?????? I know that means either way I am on the winning team (hehe) but I want to do my part for both teams and also help promote the this should be interesting. Especially since this is just one kit that I will have to use over and over.....something I rarely do.....oh and the Chicks are ahead.....hmmmm interesting!

Now Kellie is a fellow scrapper I met on Lynn G's team who is busy as heck all over! I sooo adore her and love see her little funky avatar everywhere......oh and she is on the Scrapartist team and Jen Wilson' that is some talented girl! Soooo anyways, she tagged me! in the spirit of the tag - I must comply and answer....hehe....

Tag Rules:

List 5 Weird things about yourself or your pets. Tag 5 Friends and list them. Those people need to write on their blogs about 5 weird things, state the rules, and tag 5 more people. Don’t forget to let the people you tag know by posting a comment on their blog!

Now my whole life is pretty weird in itself sooooo let's see:

1. I hate my forehead - not sure why but do and have ALWAYS worn bangs in some form or fashion. When I get my hair cut I always pull them down before I leave the shop.....always!

2. I won't eat strange animal I know you are thinking "That isn't weird" but I am Mexican and boy they love those brains and intestines and junk like that and well, will not go there.....not even for money!!! And I am telling you money has been offered!!

3. I don't like people to touch my feet - not that I have bunions or warts or anything - just seems ick to reason, just one of those weird things!

4. I hate being called "Dar" - just gets me all worked up because the plain fact is my name is not that long to be there have been times I actually will ignore the poor soul who calls me this.....but I need to put a disclaimer here - Val calls me that and I am ok with it.....just her. :)

5. I have to go to sleep with the TV on no matter how tired I am and will wake up and turn it on again if my husband turned it off. He hates the TV on because of the lights and really just wishes the dr would prescribe something that would make me sleep right away so that he could shut the TV off without having to hear my protests!

Hmmmm, not sure if they are weird enough but they were the things I thought of first.....

So the people I will tag:

Angelina - my new hero.....she is a hoot!

Rachael - love her too!

Melissa - one of our newest coolest designers at TDC

Nikki - a girl who needs to update her blog!!!

Vera - one of my favorite designers to work with and who also soooo needs to update her blog!


Nikki said...

DAng, girl!! Why did you have to go and tag me?!!! LOL. I guess I do need to update my blog, huh?! I'll try to get to it soon! :)
I totally get you on not wanting to eat weird animal parts. blech! I'm half Mexican (a Vasquez too) and I won't go near that stuff, neither will my mom! You should have seen when my dh was offered some menudo at my aunt's house. He had know idea what was in that soup! haha...the look on his face was classic after that first bite!! okay...sorry for the long post. have a good day! ;)

Anonymous said...

You know Darla, your pages are just INCREDIBLE! I wish I had half your talent, then I wouldn't be scraplifting you so much :P I haven't had much time to scrap in the past 6-8 months (I'm due in a month!) and seeing ANY of your pages just gives me the itch! I ADORE your style!

Just wanted to let you know ^o^

Andree (remember me from SDD and TDC?)